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My all time favorite CoD is CoD: W@W, that was the first CoD that I took seriously, and I will always enjoy it, that game is amazing.
The CoD games are the games the most bad. Killzone2 best game ever.
The only two PC games I've ever played are L4D and COD4 and they were at an internet cafe for an hour. I did enjoy them though.
Mw2, mario, super smash bro's and pokemon fire Big Grin
Call of duty 4 have been playing it since 2007.
I like Modern Warfare 2.
(08-01-2011, 01:53 PM)Jacko Wrote: [ -> ]Call of duty 4 have been playing it since 2007.

2007? Wow, I started playing it in '08 or '09.
(08-01-2011, 07:05 PM)Believable Wrote: [ -> ]2007? Wow, I started playing it in '08 or '09.
Yup on Ps3, now on Xbox Haven't played in awhile tho.
mw2 ftw
My favorite game is Halo 3. I have been playing it since the day it came out.
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