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(08-14-2011, 07:14 AM)Fruitella Wrote: [ -> ]GTA (San andreas) <- Completed 21times. (LoL)
I actually can't remember if I completed it or not, was the ending good? I've completed Vice City but I can't remember completing the others. o_O
(08-15-2011, 12:33 PM)Xplosion™ Wrote: [ -> ]i would have to say halo 3 it had a amazing MP and campaign and all out quality.
Halo 3 is a great game, I've recently started playing it again, such a good game.
(08-15-2011, 02:02 PM)Xbox360™ Wrote: [ -> ]You forgot the best game ever !! Battlefield: BAD COMPANY2
I honestly dislike BF: BC2, I can't play it, that's probably why. xD
I like Black Ops Alot.
Its Been A Good One.
My favorite from that list is Modern Warfare 2, I play it a lot, and I think I can say that it is my favorite game.
My favorite game on the list would be Halo 2!
Well i would go for Portal 2 Cuz it's Unique
Css its my favorite Game 2shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooort
Css? Also if the post is too short, make it longer rather than putting that.
I would have to go with black ops all the way, well at least till MW3 comes out.
my fauvorite video game is gta IV i think...
COD4 Modern Warfare was the best. Everyone knows it.. I was they actually did a good remake of the game.
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