Mines on MW2 I won't even post time played cause its so bad.. LOL
trust me its bad.
Halo 3 is the most i've played, i've got close to 1,000 hours played which is alot but then again ive been playing it for close to 4 years.
I think my MW2 is like double that ... Like I said it is bad.. I was really addicted and sad to say I got teased at school for it...
Probably COD4, but recently I'm playing Homefront a lot more. D: It's a total different gameplay.
Probably CoD 4 on xbox.
I have like 21 days played :p
Thats quiet a lot, but my mw2 is still so much more xD I never really liked cod 4 to be honest.
All of the Halo games. Wish it gave a time spent on them.
I am a member over at HaloCharts and I believe it would say the time spent on each game but I have had multiple accounts so it would be hard to say.
I guess I will just say that since Halo 2 came out years back, that is mostly all I have played almost daily...so you add up the time lol
Even though I haven't played it for years it's still Final Fantasy 7 I spent the most time on I must of had at least 1500 to 2000 hours invested into that game when I was like 12 or 13
I would say Modern Warfare 2 for Xbox.
Persona 3 took me around 180 hours my first time through.
And I still missed a bunch of stuff.