Mine is probably Pokemon from when I was a kid or Call of Duty from now. Not sure though. I just play for fun so my time doesn't matter to me. Crazy if you've spent over 2000 hours on MW2 though.
Console game it would probably be FIFA 11 or MW2 not sure since FIFA doesn't have an exact playing time.
MW2 probably is the highest. That is because MW1 got hacks and MW2 I was still playing before it got hacked. Either way on CoD game I average like 25 days played on the last 3... ROFL!
Either Modern Warfare 2, or Socom when I played PS2.
Definitely MW2, like 16 days play time.
I've spent the most time on Mw2. I got 9 days of accumulated play time.
Back in the day, I would have to say Pokemon. After that Halo 3. Lastly, Runescape. Havnt played since then. Moved on with my life.
Probably Halo 2, I played it for around 3 years. Best game I've ever played.
I did play a lot of RuneScape too actually.
I've probably spent the most time on COD4. I play it on both Xbox 360 and PC.