Can anyone help me verify my account without the phone verification?
Why dont you do it? Are you scamming or something or what? Its craigslist...
Im too young, man
Oh, and I'm kinda scamming
(07-23-2011, 10:42 PM)ONeShoT Wrote: [ -> ]Im too young, man
Oh, and I'm kinda scamming
No one will support you with scamming on SupportForums. Things like that are uncommon here, and any illegal activity here is prohibited anyway with regards to the rules set in place on this forum.
I seen a theory on HF today with getting a Text me app for your ipod then just reinstalling it everytime you need to get reverified for a new number.
This is the wrong forum if you are trying to scam others on craigslist.
Also I am new here but believe any other sites dealing with these illegal activities or scamming are not meant to be talked about.