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(09-11-2011, 11:37 AM)RiPPiiN Wrote: [ -> ]For MW2 its the Famas with read dot, and for black ops i love the AK47.

I personally think the red dot and holographic attachments are useless, I more like FMJ or Silencer.
Anyone who needs to use a Red Dot Sight to be accurate with their weapon should not be playing the game at all, it's by far the noobiest attachment in the game and is to help people who can't aim their gun correctly.
For me it would the Commando in Black Ops.
In MW2, my favorite weapon would have to be the Intervention Smile

In Black Ops, I would have to say the Commando or the Galil.
My favorite gun in Black Ops is the L96A1, that gun is so much fun to use.
My favorite weapon in Modern Warfare 2 has to be the Intervention. I love sniping and always quick scopingSmile BOOM headshot.
I like the Scar/UMP and Intervention in MW2.

And the AK47 in BO.
My favorite weapon in Modern Warfare 2
I love and like MF2
best of luck for your futureThumbsup
MW2 ~ Intervention with FMJ.
Black Ops ~ PM63 or Kiparis.
UMP and other sniper rifles Smile
Famas Red Dot Sight is a beast weapon.
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