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Pages: 1 2
(07-23-2011, 03:51 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]I'd agree with that, but Omni makes it too easy so that people will go for it (spam) and leave. It's just his main idea for attraction to the site here. One thing I would say is that he can't rely on that forever to get activity here.

This is a nice forum. If people just try to high quality post, they'll notice high quality posting is actually funnier than low quality posting. Just sayin', and they'll refer more people here.
You're absoutley right, alot of members are from his previous forum, we just need more members from elsewhere which will be more dedicated to the forum.
I agree I just joined for the support feather and I will try to be as HQ as possible, Also I have already seen some LQ postings.
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