Honestly to me i dont really like it i prefer the game to be played the way its suppose to be played.
It seems really amazing in videos but I suck at it, or you can't do it on PC.
Quickscoping was fun! I didn't see any harm in it, Treyarch are just stupid.
So glad it's coming back in MW3
I thought it was okay, but not I really don't like all the people that think they are cool for "Trick Shotting".
quickscoping is awesome but so fake you know what I mean?
Its nice and pro to see ..
But its not realy good becouse you sometimes miss ..
(08-11-2011, 06:31 PM)fudge. Wrote: [ -> ]quickscoping is awesome but so fake you know what I mean?
No, not really.
On PC, it depends on how much you practice and it depends on your mouse. I practiced 5-6 hours daily, for like a week, and I missed almost every shot all because my mouse it glichy, old and crap. I was trying it less frequently and then gave up. AK47 is better for me. Most score almost every time. :3
If you're good at quick-scoping, then sure it's a good idea.
Create videos, become famous.
Well i personally think quick scoping is good. If you can't quick scope its going to be hard for you to get a kill in a game under pressure.