I still have an XP too, XP4EVER, but I'm using W7
Win 7 is excellent and has new feature.
Yes, xp is the best os, imo.
I still use it on one of my old laptops. I like it but I think that Windows 7 is just so much better.
Got to move with the times.
Its all about Windows 7 if you ask me personally.
XP was solid when I used to use it, and used it through the time of Vista as well. (vista was disappointing). Windows 7 however I like a lot more then XP. I like the way the new desktop looks, and how it doesn't cause problems / issues 24/7 like Vista.
For me (not a nostalgic person) there is no reason to use windows xp.
I am still using xp, until now it works very good. But when BF3 comes out i have to change to 7 :-(
(08-06-2011, 10:27 AM)Blixx Wrote: [ -> ]I am still using xp, until now it works very good. But when BF3 comes out i have to change to 7 :-(
You'll enjoy Win7, it's great. There's discrepancies between it and Vista, I actually found Vista faster on a couple things, but Win7 is faster on most things. Especially data transfer. I wouldn't be buying Win8 though, I will stick with 7 and still be happy.
I use XP for my VM, but I don't use it in general anymore.
I use xp for an old computer that has a pretty slow cpu. I use it for downloading torrents and burning dvds and stuff.