Since i did not find a thread for PSN name's, i decided to make one. Everyone that has a PS3, please post here with you're username. I'll start.
PSN: HazarDoSs [Main]
Proxycide [Second]
My PSN is NightmareOfDoom. What games do you play most of the time? I play Black Ops most of the time.
My PSN is: Kay55
I usually hop on PSN to play Black Ops. "Coding" add me we could wreck some kids on PSN.
itzsikshot is my online name
My Psn name is : DaMoDDaJack
My psn is: Camdenn
However I play xbox now and haven't touched my ps3 in ages.
PSN - PXMods
I host lobbies and stuff on COD4.
My PSN is Alphageek1
If anyone decides to add me then just send me a message saying that your from SF.
I will most likely add you if i'm still up/online.