I would really love to see a membership option for Support Forums.
Many other sites have membership upgrades, which are very beneficial.
Such as (Only for reference) Hack Forums.
People buy membership, purely to gain more privileges on the site.
- Site Income
- Members more involved
- Shows dedication to supporting each other
There's no cons to this (that I can think of)
The only con would be the bullying of non upgraded members like on HF, though I agree I'd buy membership here too (Im Ub3r on HF).
Depends on what the upgrade provides and the cost. If it were 10$-15$ and got the same benefits as L33t (well, maybe a little less.

) then I would consider.
Omni Said to VIP membership here.
So don't discuss about it.
Sometimes free things are also better.

Other then helping the Site what would be the Benefit?
I would Definitely think about Buying it though.
(07-12-2011, 02:30 AM)magic Wrote: [ -> ]Other then helping the Site what would be the Benefit?
I would Definitely think about Buying it though.
What do you mean what would benefit?
That's for Omni to choose.
I think the main reason behind it not being implemented yet, is that the majority believe all members on SF should be treated equally, rather than having some members treated differently based on whether or not they are premium. When you have a premium option, some members also tend to develop an ego, and this can lead to arguments.
Support Forums is exactly that, a forum for support, and I think in order for this to remain a professional and high quality community, we need to keep everybody on the same level. Everybody should be treated equally.
One word.
I wouldnt buy it.
(07-12-2011, 05:06 AM)Fragma Wrote: [ -> ]I think the main reason behind it not being implemented yet, is that the majority believe all members on SF should be treated equally, rather than having some members treated differently based on whether or not they are premium. When you have a premium option, some members also tend to develop an ego, and this can lead to arguments.
Support Forums is exactly that, a forum for support, and I think in order for this to remain a professional and high quality community, we need to keep everybody on the same level. Everybody should be treated equally.
Yeah I agree with this. I think the groups such as emotional helpers are enough recognition to separate one member from another, I don't think a paid upgrade would be all that successful in SF's case. Just my opinion but nice idea nonetheless.
(07-12-2011, 05:06 AM)Fragma Wrote: [ -> ]I think the main reason behind it not being implemented yet, is that the majority believe all members on SF should be treated equally, rather than having some members treated differently based on whether or not they are premium. When you have a premium option, some members also tend to develop an ego, and this can lead to arguments.
Support Forums is exactly that, a forum for support, and I think in order for this to remain a professional and high quality community, we need to keep everybody on the same level. Everybody should be treated equally.
Yeah I agree with this. I think the groups such as emotional helpers are enough recognition to separate one member from another, I don't think a paid upgrade would be all that successful in SF's case. Just my opinion but nice idea nonetheless.[/QUOTE]
Both of you have excellent points.

Emotional helpers, geek squad, etc. is enough recognition. To be paid for recognition and not earning it would be unfair.