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can you guys check out my site and rate it for me thankyou!! go go go lol its a fun website youll see whats its about watch!!
You can't be serious with those forums. If it's for real, it needs some major work..
what!! its nice hf just told me dat
(10-22-2009, 08:57 PM)chinaman7x7 Wrote: [ -> ]what!! its nice hf just told me dat

its nice hf just told me dat

hf just told me dat

told me dat


I'm talking about "dat." Your grammar needs work. Omg
I'm trying very hard here to rationalise you typing like a ten year old, but I have nothing.
oh ok! but i dont really care my website is for fun not to ban and bother people about their grammar!
(10-22-2009, 09:09 PM)chinaman7x7 Wrote: [ -> ]oh ok! but i dont really care my website is for fun not to ban and bother people about their grammar!

You asked >.>
If you don't care then don't ask.
Sorry i did'nt like it.It was a OK site..but you need to improve it more.
Theme is ok, the rest shows how little effort you have put into it. Why would anyone register when there is no content of value and nothing to chat about. Whats more your topic is vague and covered by at least a million other forums. Can I suggest you start by narrowing the focus of your forum and start writing content. Then get your friends involved to kick start the conversation.

A top level domain such as a .com would also be good.
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