It is okay, I don't like RPG's or anything like that really. I like FPS
I used to really enjoy pokemon, but after a while, it became more of a fad than something I enjoyed, and then I started to get real annoyed with it. Right now, I dont care for the games anymore.
When away from my PC/Xbox/PS3 and bored, I used to love to whip out my gameboy advance sp/ds and play some pokemon. Kind of regret selling my ds just because of it =/
Too kiddy but I enjoy it. Isn't there a online RPG version of Pokemon now?
I loved it when i was a kid, and i still think it's funny to see it in the television sometimes
Old Version = The crap
New Ones = Ehh...
I remember when there were about 100 Pokemon, then it jumped to 200, than 300, not really sure how many they're now.
i actually really love pokemon, ive played it sense it was on the gameboy color.
I still love it ..
I downloaded pokemon emulator for my PSP LOOOL
Like any other person on this site, I grew up watching pokemon/digitymon and power rangers. I enjoyed pokemon the most due to the idea the evolved and became stronger. Don't forget pikachu
It was the best freakin game ever. Hands down. I still love it.