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Full Version: Looking for web coders and developers
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I am looking for coders and developers who would like to get involved with a coding project I am launching on behalf of

What do we need?

We are looking for enthusiastic coders and developers who wish to contribute to our download database of free modifications/plugins and web resources.

The following skill attributes are needed:
  • Plugin/Modification creators and developers for forum plugins with MyBB, phpBB & SMF.
  • PHP/MySQL developers and coders for various web based applications.
  • Image designers and theme creators for stand alone graphics work and theme creation for MyBB, phpBB & SMF.

Why do we need it?
We are trying to compile a download database of freeware resources and with your help and input into projects we can help develop a variety of applications for members to freely download and use on their sites.

It's basically a chance to help get involved in doing something new for the webmasters for free!

Who are we?

Zies Web is a web development and design community that has been formed around three months now. We're constantly looking for new developers and coders to join our expanding team.

We provide free advice and support and also free forum services via our service request form where members can request installations and configurations of forum software, pluging, templates and designs.

We also provide a free site advertising database for members to freely advertise and promote their websites.

How can you get involved?
If you'd like to get involved then please follow us over to Zies Web and get to know the community. Also reply to this thread or PM me here.

Thank you.
What types of plugins you looking for? New innovative ideas? :p
I can help you with PHP development if you're still looking.
I am still looking if you're still interested.
that is interesting I love it Smile
(07-05-2011, 01:35 PM)Smithtr Wrote: [ -> ]that is interesting I love it Smile

Really or are you just spamming?
(07-05-2011, 02:31 PM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ]Really or are you just spamming?
Clearly just spamming lol.