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Here are some pics of my 2 pugs! If you don't like pugs simply leave the thread, i don't want any negative comments.

Boomer is almost 2 years old and we have had him sense he was 10 weeks old. Spanky is a rescue who is 18 months old. We have had him for a month and a half.
They are so cute!You're so lucky to have such adorable dogs!
(07-02-2011, 10:57 AM)Evil Stewie Wrote: [ -> ]They are so cute!You're so lucky to have such adorable dogs!

They are the most naughty and defiant dogs ever lol, but they are cute.
Are their Eyes supposed to be like that? i think they're cute and all but when their eyes are facing opposite directions it kind of creeps me out O_O
Spanky's eyes look goofy, but boomers dont.
Oh man, I love pugs. They always remind me of the Men in Black two movie.
You have some really nice dogs. My mom is looking to get a pug.
aww they are so cute!. i wish they where mine
They are very cute pugs.... your lucky. Smile
Your two pugs are very precious, are you planning to get a third?
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