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I'm willing to pay for advertisement, minimum 500 uniques a day. Let me know if you're interested. Payment will be via PayPal. Payment will be for a month long advertisement slot. I'll pay more or less depending on the amount of uniques/day and the type of site (likely hood of gaining me members). It is for the forum in my signature. I need sites that are slightly established, I will need to see proof of traffic (minimum of last 3 months, I'd prefer last 6 months though).
I'll try and help you spread your link for free. Smile
Codine Will you add my msn?
Try adbrite for ad campaigns. You might reach a broader audience.
(10-22-2009, 05:04 PM)ƒαℓα∂σя Wrote: [ -> ]Codine Will you add my msn?

I will, why don't you just pm me tho lol.. Smile
So you are going to offer a price that is defined by a variable and then not tell us what the variable is. More or less dependaing on could have your base at 2 cents more being 3 cents and less being a penny.
Don't be an asshat IllusionSlayer. Stay out of my thread if you're not going to contribute anything. Serious inquiries will find out. - I have advertising on there. Very good traffic.
(11-22-2009, 08:26 PM)Cohen Wrote: [ -> ] - I have advertising on there. Very good traffic. is my contact e-mail and MSN, drop me an e-mail if your interested in an ad.