How do i get Windows media player to remember my last 5 unsaved playlists if i close it out?
The reason is i am listening to music then i watch a video and it goes to video mode and i get done watching my video i close it out not knowing i didnt save my playlist and i keep losing my songs.
The last time it did it i nearly slammed my Mouse thru my desk because of this issue. Please Help
There is a search bar for this reason
Why don't you just save your playlist before you watch a video? Then when you are done you can go back to the playlist you were working on and continue to add songs.
Damn ! can't you just search man?
(06-27-2011, 04:05 PM)Annuit Coeptis Wrote: [ -> ]Why don't you just save your playlist before you watch a video? Then when you are done you can go back to the playlist you were working on and continue to add songs.
I keep on forgetting to save them, thus when i watch a video i lose my freaking songs!
BTW its Windows Media Player 12.
Save before you close man. It is not that hard.
Not much you can do if you don't save them! Best for you is to remember next time!
While Windows Media Player is open in the Taskbar, you can drag up over the icon to see recently accessed items.
(06-27-2011, 05:21 PM)mrnapolean1 Wrote: [ -> ]I keep on forgetting to save them, thus when i watch a video i lose my freaking songs!
BTW its Windows Media Player 12.
Yeah, I don't know what to tell you, just save them. I don't even use wmp. I use Media Monkey. It is the finest music management software. And I use vlc to watch videos. So I avoid the microsoft default programs when there are better things out there.