Does Anyone actually arm wrestle still? I used to do it a lot back at Job Corps but i haven't done it since.

I arm wrestled my friends a few weeks ago (big mistake) first guy was a piece of cake, second guy we both didn't really move for about 20 seconds of struggling and trying hard then we decided we'd better stop before we hurt ourselves. Anyway my right arm is in such pain now, it's like a heart beating pain in a way. It's around the elbow area inner arm and outter.
yeah i do it once n a while with my friends and such hehe
Im Really looking for someone i can armwrestle!
I used to do it a lot with my friends back then, but over the years it has kind of died down. I do it with my dad every once in a while though, and even though he almost always beats me, it's still fun.
(06-24-2011, 06:01 PM)Bot Wrote: [ -> ]I used to do it a lot with my friends back then, but over the years it has kind of died down. I do it with my dad every once in a while though, and even though he almost always beats me, it's still fun.
I Think when i left Job Corps (a government funded Votech school, for those that don't know what it is) i think it died down.
when i was still in school, once in a blue moon.