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Full Version: iPod Touch, Should I Buy?
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buy ipod touch and jailbrake it.
its so cool.
Buy it , Like iPod Touch my friend has one , Plays with it all the time ;D
I wouldn't buy the iPod Touch, I would probably sell my mobile phone and then buy an iPhone. iPod and mobile phone all in one.
I would sell my cellphone and buy a HTC. I reccommend them to all of you!
jailbreak it, you get free stuff which is a great thing Big Grin
I would not.
Just my opinion man.

Unless you want to blow the cash.
I would buy it. In fact, I'm getting the 4G this week Big Grin
Sorry for bumping a kinda old topic, but I wanted to give my opinion...

So have you gotten it yet OP?
No. They're overated. Get an 8th Gen iPod Nano Smile
Yes you should buy a iPod I use my iPod touch all the time
-this post is made on my iPod touch Tongue
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