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Full Version: I think there is something with my dog :(
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(06-16-2011, 04:36 PM)ILOVEW33D™ Wrote: [ -> ]okay as long as it was just a sneeze.

i was thinking it was a loss of breath or something because she was sleeping and woke up and started doing it so i thought she had a bad dream and couldnt catch her breathe.

Thank you for your help if i could +1 u i would.

(06-16-2011, 04:05 PM)Chr0sy Wrote: [ -> ]Go with her to a veterinary doctor?

No need to spend money to go to a vet

because Dr. Leffler was able to help me

Inward Sneeze's can happen at any time, I cannot say it was as a definite answer but with the facts that I know, I can make a educated guess as this is what it was.

If you or anyone would like to read more information about "Inward Sneezing in Dogs." Please relate to this article:
You should go to the veterinarian mate.
(06-17-2011, 02:16 AM)Daymolition Wrote: [ -> ]You should go to the veterinarian mate.

I recommend all situations see a doctor.
(06-17-2011, 12:17 PM)Dr. Leffler Wrote: [ -> ]I recommend all situations see a doctor.

She has not done it since that one night.
You dog has Inward Sneeze
go to a veterenarian bro. they can help. im sure you're willing to spend some money for your dog.
Yes i am willing to spend money for my dog or any animal i own.
But moving on.

May a admin or staff please close this thread?

Thank you.
Take her to the vet?
i don't really know what's wrong, i had to put mine down a while ago. Hope your dog is fine.
Ohh Man Please Someone Help Him . It's Good To See People Like Me Who Love The Animal's So Much.
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