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xbox 360.

Xbox 360 for sure, but it sucks that you have to pay for xbox live to have fun with your friends, unlike the PSN. Sad
I only had PS1 and xbox and xbox 360
so obviosly im going to say 360 Tongue
Personally, i prefer xbox just because of the fun the players give you each game.
My favorite consoles, by far, are the PC and the Xbox 360. Most fun for me. I have other, but I don't even play them..
I prefer the xbox 360 but I broke mine so I'm stuck with my PS3.
The Wii, have one and liking it but dont play it often
Xbox 360 definitely because it's just got swag
Xbox 360 would be the one I choose. Gamecube was another awesome console. My favorite game was Sonic.
I liked the Atari, but not on the list. So my favorite on the list would be broken down into 2 categories. Old school and New school. For the old school console on the list, I would go with the N64. For the new school console, I would deffinately have to go with the xbox 360.
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