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(07-15-2011, 04:00 AM)Mayhem Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-15-2011, 03:18 AM)False Idol Wrote: [ -> ]I do it,but in black ops its to hard.
That's so wimpy. You don't need slight of hand pro to qs. I do it fine without it and I actually started qs in Bo then started in MW2. It takes a pro to do it without the perk. I'm actually glad they removed it. It made way for actually good snipers. Though it caused people to camp a lot more so it has ups and downs then. :/

It does add more skill to the game, I will admit.
But I don't play black ops anyways so It dosnt matter for me haha.
Lulz, I guess that's a satisfactory reply really XD
I was once into quickscoping but I got tired of it and stopped doing it xD
I love quickscoping, however I hate it on Black Ops. I like Black Ops (the game), but they made it way harder to quickscope.
I quickscope on Blops. Its more of a challenge which is what I like. I am really against the sit in a corner camp your ass off kids.
I'm quickscoping from time to time. I find it quite hard since I haven't done it much in previous CoD games, I started with it in Black Ops
I quickscope a lot, but only on PC atm, because i got the red ring on xbox Sad
Quick scoping on black ops just ruined the experience for me, MW2 was too easy to quick scope on, I was good at it on CoD4.
I do it, but not all the time.
Im probaly the best quickscoper on SF enough said.
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