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Full Version: I've stopped Smoking as of today...
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While you're wanting to quite, you could possibly buy an electronic cigarette.
Congratz I stop 3 years ago
Keep your hands busy.
I believe they have those nicotine plastic inhalers that are the same shape as a smoke. Instead of inhaling smoke, you inhale nicotine. Maybe that helps?

G.L tho bro! Smile
I was smoking for about 2 years and I quit about 3 years ago now, It's saved me alot of money to buy lots of nice things instead of wasting my money on a pointless pack of smokes
Congrats on trying to quit. You clearly care about your health and know that smoking is killing your lungs. I cant believe that you could already notice how it was becoming harder to breath. I think what might help your mind off smoking might be having something in your mouth. Maybe sucking on a toothpick or a pretzel rod. It might fool your brain.
Congrats. Hope you can stick with it.
What my dad did to stop the urges temporarily is take a very relaxing bath; but I suppose you can't do that every time you crave for a smoke. Just try not to get too stressed out in one day, that usually triggers the urge for those who newly quit (accdg. to my dad). Anyways, congrats man!
Congrats on quitting ( i am also trying to quit )

I have some question's for you tho because ive had similar problems and they had went away for me.

How many did u smoke a day? and how long have u been smoking?

Also if u can stay off ciggarites which im sure u can u seem to be strong.
ur lungs will slowley build back together and get rid of all the smoke build up over the years.

Also some tips if u feel like u have to smoke one are.

1. Try not to think of it and do something else that u enjoy.

2. Remember that ur life is better off without them.

3. chew gum or put something in ur mouth like a pen and pretend it is a ciggarite . this usually works.

by the way i bought a pack a couple weeks ago and it lasted me 4 days.
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