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(08-21-2011, 10:51 AM)0ld_F4T_N!gg4™ Wrote: [ -> ]The forum is down and I can't see anything. Go buy a good hosting like Hostgator and a TLD domain too. That's all what I can say ATM for you. Good luck and thanks.

There might be some problems with his host, also yeah, I'll have to agree that you'll need a better domain.Oui
That Domain Is No More Its Now
(08-22-2011, 12:42 AM)Spudster Wrote: [ -> ]That Domain Is No More Its Now

Now it's up. Seems good but you still need a TLD domain to make it look professional.
you could trt getting a .com domain for your site, backlinks always help, try get someone to do some good SEO for you
First get a good domain hire some guys to post in your forum and eventually it will start developing.
I've done just that (I Be Sure To Upgrade To A .com Soon)
And I got a few people to post on the forums
Anyone Is Welcomed To Help!
Oh. What are those blue boxes? is only £7 a year if you make it big in a year you'll make that back. Smile
Ok upgraded to .net
But noone seems to stay behind I've done enough now
Make some contests and giveaways on big forums and telling them to join the forum and post in order to win the contest or get the giveaway
I've tried that

No registers yet Think I'm doing something wrong??
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