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That's some weird stuff.
Okay that was hard to watch. I grew up with Disney and at 16 I still love the classics. I have honestly never seen anything like that, the 2nd video in particular was pretty scary. A few stand out errors in the video tho, both roger rabbit and the wizard of oz were not Disney movies. It also mentions the Freemasons fascination with witches and magic but in Disney movies with these things featured, they are always shown to be the bad guys and the one's that always loose ! If Walt Disney liked them so much he wouldn't have portrayed them so badly. So as much as I was intrigued by some aspects of the videos, I have and always will love Disney <3
The only thing I dislike about Disney, is the fact that they ruined Winnie the Pooh. They took a perfectly good English story, and Americanized it, despite the fact that when the person who wrote Winnie the Pooh was alive, he rejected Disney so many times.
watched both videos all the way through, the second was better than the first guy. I liked how they drew penises all over and then drew over them to make characters.
I've seen the first video before. It's pretty neat!
(06-09-2011, 02:36 PM)codevade Wrote: [ -> ]watched both videos all the way through, the second was better than the first guy. I liked how they drew penises all over and then drew over them to make characters.

The point of this thread was not to look at any sort of artistic skill...
I've actually just been offered some work experience with Disney's animation department, which is pretty damn incredible. I know it doesn't have much to do with the purpose of this thread, but I'm excited about it so felt like showing off haha. Smile
haha they turn out amazing but its looks like sexual content at 1st lol good find
Are these photoshop'd in any way?
(06-13-2011, 10:38 AM)USN Wrote: [ -> ]Are these photoshop'd in any way?

explain how videos can be photoshopped to me. I haven't seen it done yet
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