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Here is my phreak of my dog. Tell me what you think.

LOL it is a cute dog man.
Thanks. I taught him everything you see. He actually learned to jump spin on his own. We never really taught him that. For some damn reason, he jumps and spins around haha.
Dude that is actually really impressive. My neighbour just a got a dog and we are currently training it together.
It is fkn hard and a pain in the hard lmao.

Nice backyard by the way.
My dog is very smart and learns fast thank god. Haha
A lot more trained than my dog, lol.
He learns fast. I taught him to wave, high five, knuckles, Play dead, stand on his back legs and walk/jump for a long distance and much more. Smiling is his talent haha.
(06-02-2011, 02:12 PM)F3aR™ Wrote: [ -> ]He learns fast. I taught him to wave, high five, knuckles, Play dead, stand on his back legs and walk/jump for a long distance and much more. Smiling is his talent haha.

Wow.. that is very impressive.
I would never have the patience to train a dog all that lmao.
Very impressive tricks your dog does, I also love your dog in general, very nice videos!
Nice garden and dog man! How old is he? Wish I had a dog..
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