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Full Version: Please help me vote for a dance crew for America's Best Dance Crew Season 6
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So basically there's a show where a dance crew competes to win the title of America's Best Dance Crew. It's on MTV. Here's the link:

You can roam around the site to see what it actually is. But can you please help me and vote for the crew "IaMmE"? They are in the top right. You can vote a number of unlimited times.

If you guys need an auto clicker then there is one here:

Virus Scan:

Quote:NOTE: Detections are false positives. If you don't trust me you can run it sandboxed.

Just click download and it'll be in a zip and the .exe will be in the zip.
Set the number of clicks on how much time you want it to click and then the interval to something a little slow such as 200 for the interval.

And then put your cursor over the vote button which is located under "IaMmE" and then just press F2 and leave your computer on and have it click. Doesn't matter if you're in school or sleeping. I want this crew to win. Even though they are not affiliated with me in anyway, I DO NOT WANT LITTLE KIDS TO WIN (Which is the other crew). They are horrible.

Personally, as me being a breakdancer, please keep hip hop alive, and not have little idiots ruin it. You guys have until Friday 6:00 AM EST to vote. So if any of you can help, that be so awesome.

Thank you. It will also be helpful if you posted a screen shot if you are doing this.
This file has a virus Sad
Emsisoft 05/05/2011 Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Mudrop!IK
I voted for you. Good luck man.
I have voted the group and running the program on my virtual private server to give the most votes, have fun Smile