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[VB.NET/Source] Tranlate Numbers To Letters : 1000 To One Thousand!

Note : Credit to the original Author, i just added somethings and fixed some errors Smile.

[Image: Untitled.gif]

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The source is extremely unorganized.. and pretty buggy. Thanks for the share, but if you would like I can provide you with much simpler code that will do the job more effectively. OP let me know, I don't want to jack your thread.
You need to work on the spelling, as it's very poor.
Very simple but very nice! Keep coding VB.Net and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
You wrote hundrands wrong.

On Topic : Quite nice.
Would of been useful in third grade.
looks nice but why do you have a button for english when there are no other options and what is up with the "s" at the end

but neat little idea there
I hope you didnt actually make a library of this, like if for example...

If textbox1.text = "1" then
_____.text = "one"

Ill look at your code. If you did i will laugh ;)

Anyways, thanks for the share.