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My friend's friend that I don't know that well, we met a couple of months ago, had this conversation with me the day after all of us (about 10 friends) went mini-putting. She's leaving for Italy in a week for the entire summer so I guess the reason she told me is because she wants to get it off her back.

What should I do? I've never had someone like me, ever, or at least tell me like this. I'm in college and I'm gonna be 19 in August and she's 19 and she's in University.

Well do you like her?
If you do then letting her leave without knowing her knowing you like her as well could be the biggest mistake in your life. Just tell her how you feel. Maybe she will stay or you guys can have a distant relationship until you finish college.
Won't let her go mate,told her about your feelings,how much do you love or like her may be she understood you.long distance can break your relationship because you are not in touch of her,even invite her for a dinner and express your love.
But I don't like her like she likes me. That's the thing. I don't have feelings for her. And I don't know how to tell. I'm thinking of just saying that I'm not looking to date atm so she doesn't think its her.
Just wait until after the trip before you address the issue. It will probably of calmed down by then?
Ya Sam, I guess I'll wait till she gets back and take things from there. It's just this has never happened to me before so I don't know what to do. And in a way, even though I 'm not physically attracted to her that much, when I think about it, that someone likes you, it makes me feel good. But I know that that's wrong, because the idea behind it is greedy. I'm afraid that if I don't ask her out or something, the next girl that likes me won't be for a really long time.
Just relax about it. There's nothing worse than having some extra weight on your back when you hear something like this. You're not completely losing contact of her, who knows, maybe one day you can visit her or vise versa over the holidays or something.

Hope all goes well bro.