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Hello everyone!

I'm excited to open my first forum in a while, though I might be a bit rusty with the launch. My biggest hangup in in investing money into a "field" (forums) that I have little experience in. Before I take that plunge, I need some help.

The forum I'm starting is focused around a guy's gear blog I am going to begin running in the next few weeks (once my summer vacation starts). The site is

I understand the first move I'll have to make is to get away from a free forum host (and hopefully use myBB again), and then some advertising, a theme, and hosting. But before that, what should my goals be right now? What needs to be changed?

Thank you in advance for all feedback!
Site doesn't exist.
The Rules and Guidelines of this section state that "you should comment on at least 2 other review requests before posting your site for review". Please PM me once you have completed what is expected of you and I'll happily open this thread once more. Until then, thread closed.

Quote:1. When posting a new thread use the site or domain name in the title.
2. Only one review thread per 24 hour period. So don't spam threads here.
3. You should comment on at least 2 other review requests before posting your site for review.
4. When making comments make them constructive and civil.
5. Don't forget to rate the thread. Use it to rate the site too.