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Any thing around me such as beautiful weather,alone girl in park,a couple they have hand in their hands,playing kids,nature,sadness,joy,these things usually inspires me to write some thing creative.
It's really interesting coming on here and reading all these Smile thank you guys for sharing.
(05-24-2011, 11:23 AM)Veryx Wrote: [ -> ]It's really interesting coming on here and reading all these Smile thank you guys for sharing.
Yes it was really good to know,what they think before writting a novel or a poem.I should rate this thread because,i'm also new at writting and learn alot from this thread.Thanks to all
I dont know why but food and love inspires me.
Im am inspired by my Emotions and memories. Also movies. They all take effect when I begin writing a piece.
mostly procrastination and the fact that its due the next day
My inspiration is to make a movie more amazing and mindblowing than SAW.
I have always been inspired by General Douglas MacArthur because he had the balls to tell the president to shove it and assault China anyways Smile
(06-05-2011, 12:21 AM)USN Wrote: [ -> ]I have always been inspired by General Douglas MacArthur because he had the balls to tell the president to shove it and assault China anyways Smile

Haha, interesting Tongue I have no idea why but I am laughing in real life right now haha
Oprah Winfrey inspires me, no word of a lie. I'm not trolling. Have you read some of her quotes?
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