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Full Version: [REQ] Donations, Need Help
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Wow very nice. I have never see that before. Generous peoples here Smile
Send me your PayPal address, I'd be willing to help out with a few dollars for a good cause, seeing as it isn't just the normal "i needa buy a game!11!1!1!!!111!!1!!1". Smile

Let me know your details.
Wow, guys, all of you. I am kind of speechless lol. I can't thank all of you enough. Thank each of you for helping.
It's great to so many supporting the OP.
If you are still needing donations PM me your paypal and Ill send a couple of $ at the week end.
i don't have any money atm.
but i will try my best to give you some within tomorrow
My PP is limited on the day i read this.
Or i would donate, good luck bro.
try selling some crap on ebay or selling something on hackforums, $160 is actually pretty cheap. Wish you the best of luck.
Sorry I do not have any money in my paypal but I will bump up this thread for you. Good luck getting the money hopefully some people can help you out. 160 shouldnt be too hard to get. Good Luck again and hope everything works out. Sorry I couldnt help
I would help but I just spent the last of my money on a new PC. Sorry :/
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