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My favorite songs are:

Beautiful by Eminem

Welcome to the world by Kevin Rudolf

First date by Blink 182

Prayer by Disturbed
Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
Nu metal at it's best.

Limp Bizkit is c0ol.

Kosheen - Catch U
Surprisingly this thread is still going strong. Here's me and my daughter (she's 4) and probably my son when he gets about this age. Even if you don't like country music listen to the lyrics, this is a song that any parent will understand, and it's just great.

This goes out to all the dad's of daughters. This will probably be you one day [youtube][/youtube]

And this one to all the ones out there that are grown up and out of the house. Omni may understand the meaning of this song as well. It's a live version so not great really, but, listen to the lyrics...of all the songs really.
I just love an old country song.
And most stuff by Hollywood Undead.
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