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Pages: 1 2
Say again?
He can't he's banned, but he doesn't quite know what he's talking about, since I don't know why you'd create such a small partition for just temp files. It just wouldn't work.
I don't even know how to make a partition. And I didn't see anyone suggest that.
(05-30-2011, 03:27 PM)Aelita Wrote: [ -> ]I don't even know how to make a partition. And I didn't see anyone suggest that.

You should have, I was talking about the guy who posted before you said:

Quote:Say again?

He said "You can Setu I'd particians." and I didn't know what he said, that's why I said "say again?"
The "Setu" and the "I'd" in what he said made what he said confusing.
Pages: 1 2