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Full Version: What online game are you currently playing?
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I haven't played any games online for a long time. I used to play Call of Duty 5 and play for money on
All I play now is snes emulator.
Currently playing Runescape and doing woodcutting. If you mean that by currently.

If you mean in a long run, then mostly warcraft 3 the frozen throne.
Killing Floor
Upshift StrikeRacer
lol i play wow on retail and on private servers...I know its against the tos and i can get banned so don't even try to FLAME
Age of Conan
Lord of the Rings
Project Torque (Just like NFS Series)
Battlefeild heros (Awesome fun)

End of Line
Currently on my PS3 is Call of Duty - World at war.
I know it's an old game, but I really can't get sick of it. I've been playing Resistance: Fall of Man for the past 2 1/2 years.
too many to list
S4 League, check it out
I recently started to become bored so I have been playing runescape.
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