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Check out this DOS game called alleycat, it's a fun game
I used to play it when I was a little kid lol
Sorry for getting off track, I got people talking about PS1 games and PC games now lol. I can't download from your link though, a referral restriction error popped up. It says it's to prevent any direct downloads from being shared on any other sites.
Quote:Sorry for getting off track, I got people talking about PS1 games and PC games now lol.
It's fine.

Quote:I can't download from your link though, a referral restriction error popped up. It says it's to prevent any direct downloads from being shared on any other sites.
Oops, you're right.
Use this link:
That download link worked, i'm downloading it now, and i'll test it out later, it's been a while since i've played any DOS games, but when I did I didn't really test a whole bunch of them out. It was only maybe 4 or 5 games that I had. Peter pan, Treasure mountain, Socoban (I think is how you spell it), Commander Keen, Ant.
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