I couldn't be asked to post a real picture of my phone, but here's a picture of it off Google.
It's the HTC Evo Shift 4G.
This is mine. Already broken.. I can't hear anything when people are calling me lol.
I currently have a BlackBerry Curve 8520:
This is not an apt representation though. The "volume down" button on my phone is broken
There is lots of cool phones in this thread
Here's mine, it's a Nokia Xpressmusic 5800
My phone got stolen and I dont want to waste money on another one . So , using my old phone -
The great thing about this is - ITS ROCK SOLID . Wont break even if it falls form the first floor .
(04-24-2011, 10:14 AM)Telhast Wrote: [ -> ]My phone got stolen and I dont want to waste money on another one . So , using my old phone -
The great thing about this is - ITS ROCK SOLID . Wont break even if it falls form the first floor .
No offense, but that has to be the most gayest phone I have ever saw.
(04-24-2011, 10:34 AM)ReactioNz Wrote: [ -> ]No offense, but that has to be the most gayest phone I have ever saw.
Wait till you see it in action. You'll be blown away by its stupendous gayness.