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Full Version: Portforwarding 101: "Tips" Pt. 1/2
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Yeah, well here's my Portforwarding Tips Part 1/2.

Note: These are just tips, I use when I port forward. Smile

Tip #1: (Very useful to finding out your isp, and how to portforward)

Tip #2:

If you have UPnP (method allowed check by then use uTorrent!

Tip #3:

Most of the time, Windows Firewall blocks Ports from opening, disable it and run Comodo Firewall.

That's all for now guy's, good luck with portforwarding.
This would be one of the best sites for getting the best test of external connectivity. (checks to see if ports are open)
Portforward makes you download the PFPortChecker program which comes from inside your computer so it's not the best for external connectivity.

The best way to portfoward is to go into your router settings and change whichever ports you want open.
(04-14-2011, 03:03 PM)Untouch Wrote: [ -> ]
This would be one of the best sites for getting the best test of external connectivity. (checks to see if ports are open)
Portforward makes you download the PFPortChecker program which comes from inside your computer so it's not the best for external connectivity.

The best way to portfoward is to go into your router settings and change whichever ports you want open.

Thanks for the post, and yeah Part 2 was going to show PFPortchecker and some others but thanks. Tongue