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Husky <3
I'd have to go with the german shepherd.
I love my yellow lab mix, but I also love German Shepherds!
Husky is great Dog but I favorite is Rottweiler one of the best dog breed according to me

Buy dog products at affordable prices.
Ofcourse husky they are talented,smart and very cute doggie..
I like them..
I love most of these dogs, but TRAINED huskys are very fun to play with
I love huskies! Those dogs are so furry, and they're a very strong breed of dogs. I'm thinking about getting one in a couple months.
On that list right there i would pick Huskies! Big Grin
I would have to say either a german shepard or a lab, never had a german shepard before though only a lab but they are so cute.
Out of them, it's jack rustle I guess Smile
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