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I love to write poems and music but i am also feared cause my grammer is horrible.I often never show anything i write to anyone because of my grammer its quite embarrecing.So im asking you writers on sf is there anyone like me?
Most of SF members here is same like you, so don't worry and try to do something.
Practice makes a man perfect.
Thanks for the helpfull advice mate.I just always worrie i will get judged for my grammer and vocab.I grew up in the country and went to a small school that i wish would have had better teachers in english.
Don't feel embarrassed my grammar is not exactly up too scratch either. Be more confident in what you are passionate in doing. Don't worry so much about what others think about you.
My grammer is my strong point my realness in stories is my weak point. All writers have a weak point, don't worry about it. That's what an editor is for btw ;).
The best thing you can do then is read... Read everything you can... from classics to modern works. From there, your grammar and vocabulary can only improve, right?
The more you practice your grammar, the better you will get. Practice makes perfect.
You shouldn't be embarrassed by your grammar. As said before - Practice makes perfect.

Post some of your poem's ;)
We're all friends here Smile
We'll help you get better and make sure you grow as a writer.
I also have the same feeling. Not for grammar but for poor vocabulary.
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