I am really sorry to hear that
I am really sorry to hear that.
Sorry about your hamster. How old was he/she?
Sorry for your loss, I lost my dog last year. Takes a while to get over it but you can.
Well my hamster ran away as a kid , I was quite sad but you have my condolences .
(04-09-2011, 04:40 AM)Katz Wrote: [ -> ]For the past few weeks now i have noticed my hamster has become less active, he was walking really slow, loosing his fur and never ran in his wheel.
I suspected for a while he may be dieing and today my fears came to life.
I found him dead ={
And now i am unsure and what to do. Last year i had a cat that died and i was broken up really bad about it & swore i would never get another cat through fear of going through that same pain but now i am faced with the same fears over getting another hamster.
Tbh i think im just gonna be done with pets, all they seem to do is love you then leave you to soon ={
Hamsters are the worst pets to buy if you don't want them to die quickly. I would recommend buying a bird, it might just outlive you.
sorry about that man. but dont be sad. just remember the things you do when he's alive.
Yeah my guinea pig died a little while ago. it was sick because when it died i had to pick it up out of the cage while it was dead.
Sorry To Hear About Your Pet Take Good Care Of Them.