i like assassin creed's quite a lot. Their fun to play, everytime
The game is awesome, you will love it. I just find the story short
Pretty good game,completed it on PS3 few months ago.
I really like the game but to me it got very boring after a while.
I think the single player is awesome. This game is so cool
I just played this game on my friend yesterday and i have admint, its not that bad as i thought.
I hope i can get it for myself soon too, but time will show us
(04-09-2011, 07:47 PM)iNviZ Wrote: [ -> ]How much did you pay for it and rate it 1/10 i wanna check it out.
I got it free
I would rate it 8/10 so far.
I watched gameplay videos of AC: Brotherhood and it looks like an awesome game. Never got around to buy it though.
I'm currently considering getting this game for multiple reasons. One being that I loved the previous games, and the other being that the gameplay looks amazing.
(04-20-2011, 06:19 PM)PhiLLy BR Wrote: [ -> ]I'm currently considering getting this game for multiple reasons. One being that I loved the previous games, and the other being that the gameplay looks amazing.
Yes, it really does. It looks amazing when you climb the building and synchronize, then jump down into the hay.