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rate this a 10/10
I only see one picture. Doesn't look good tbh. I think the font isn't great and the background is just a big nova.
I honestly don't really like it. It doesn't blend, and is overall very plain. 5/10
I don't like the grainy bit in the red.
8/10 i would give since i never give a 10 lol
So much creativity in the community. I really like this one.

Rating 10/10Pirate
it's nice but i think you should of done green and yellow Smile
Nice Work There Mate .
Not to sound like a dick, but this doesn't match the site at all.
There are green and silver (grey/gray) on this site, and yet in that picture, there is none of that.
I would add those colors, and maybe you get my vote, but still, it looks like you added text on a background.

Look nice, but a bit of blending could help and the use of the same color scheme.

8/10 looks epic Smile
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