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Not sure if anyone uses this but i do and i like it.
Quite simply its a dock for your desktop and its quite cool.
Here is a vid of how it works. (From there website)


Now this is a free tool. Which can be downloaded here.


Xp and Vista compatible so its good for everyone.
And very light on resources.
Exact, very useful dock. Good for making your desktop cleaner. It takes me also 7,5-8,5MB RAM (well,almost nothing), and it's pretty configurable. I recommand it to everyone.
So, yeah, it deserves a topic just for that Tongue
Thanks for the tip Smile
I have already mentionned it.
Sorry Spl3en. I did not see that post. Sad
I've tried it, and personally dislike it.

Suppose I add an item to the dock in from a particular location, say the desktop. If I move that file to another folder, the icon for it on the dock is replaced by a question mark and when clicked, refuses to open.

But for you guys who don't move things around often, I definitely recommend it. It's fast and memory-efficient.
I just place my files in other places than the desktop then put them it.
Yea its a small problem i have noticed also in the past.
Yeah, I dont really like it
It's nice, but I prefer performance than appearance.
Thats why i use it. It performs great. I can access any one of my harddrives quicker than if i dont use it.
Not to mention other things.
I didn't know it worked for XP, I might have to try it out again. Seeing as I hate the quick launch toolbar, and sometimes icon placement on my desktop annoys me.
(10-18-2009, 04:29 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Thats why i use it. It performs great. I can access any one of my harddrives quicker than if i dont use it.
Not to mention other things.

Lol, got me wrong. Rocket dock along with the visual styles and icons and everything to make your PC look good slows down your PC.

So I said, I prefer PERFORMANCE than APPEARANCE.
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