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Ok if you want to host your own irc server on a linux box then this is how you do it.
First you need to download an IRCD package and for this tutorial i am using hybridIRCD.
Now download latest release from here.


Now as we are installing on linux then download the .tgz file.
Now its a good idea to create another user for this. Lets call it ircd.
Thats simple to do so im not going to tell you how to do that.

Now once you have that done grab your hybrid file and extract it to somewhere you plan to keep it. Like /home/ircd/hybridircd/ or whatever.
Now once extracted then from console as user not root cd to extracted directory.
Now run ./configure
Now run make
That will compile the ircd for you. Now you can close your console.
You now need to open the /etc/example.conf file and edit that to suit your needs. THIS IS A MUST BY THE WAY.
Now the example is heavily documented so its pretty easy that way.
Once you have finished editing the config file you need to save it as ircd.conf and save it inside the /etc/ircd-hybrid/ folder. NOT IN THE FOLDER YOU JUST CREATED BUT FROM ROOT DIRECTORY /etc/ircd-hybrid/
Now thats done.
Now you will need to open up your firewall to allow the port you specified in your config file. #6667 is default.
Now you need to sort your router out to affix an ip address to your system and to open up the ports needed. DMZ zone may be a good choice if you have it.
Once that is done you then should go get a free domain name to point to your new irc server. I use no-ip as they have a client you run to update your ip address if its dynamic.

Now all that is done simply start your ircd server.
To start cd to /<install path>/bin/ and type ./ircd to get your server going.
Or as i do i go to the system manager and start it that way.

Now time to test it. Get out your irc client and try hook into your newly created irc server.
Sounds simple dont it.
Wait until you have to edit the config file. Sigh.

I will add to this little tut. I just slapped this together to get myself motivated.
I have done this before.

Post the credits next time.
Post the credits? Damn bro. I wrote this on my forum some time ago when i made one.
Very nice tut. ;)
Thanks mate. Just to clarify to Danger.
I posted it a year ago on my forum.
Don't worry I beleive you Smile
You should do some formatting for it. Make it stand out more.
Good job with the tutorial. Smile