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Put it on 480p!
Taken with HTC Desire Camera - Reason for the LQ + Darkness
  • Also sorry for the horrible music, AudioSwap doesn't have anything good!

I'm compelled to go into a furniture store now and tell you all I live there. Hahahah.
You have lots of nice stuff there buddy
(04-01-2011, 11:45 AM)Scalise Wrote: [ -> ]I'm compelled to go into a furniture store now and tell you all I live there. Hahahah.

My bed takes up almost all of my small room. I do good with what space I have though.

(04-01-2011, 11:58 AM)Infinity Wrote: [ -> ]You have lots of nice stuff there buddy

It adds up. Thumbsup
I'm not rich though before anyone assumes that. Upper class, yes.
(04-01-2011, 12:29 PM)Reece Wrote: [ -> ]It adds up. Thumbsup
I'm not rich though before anyone assumes that. Upper class, yes.

I'm just going to call you privileged lol. White, and black versions of the same shoe? Otherwise you've got a nice TV. I have a 50 inch plasma mounted on my wall in my room, but I keep my game consoles in the living room.
Uh, it's kinda messy. And excuse my webcam quality, I was trying to hold my laptop and film at the same time. Big Grin

(04-01-2011, 01:41 PM)Scalise Wrote: [ -> ]Uh, it's kinda messy. And excuse my webcam quality, I was trying to hold my laptop and film at the same time. Big Grin

Your room would look a lot nicer if you threw your Xbox out of that window.
(04-01-2011, 01:53 PM)Fragma Wrote: [ -> ]Your room would look a lot nicer if you threw your Xbox out of that window.

Only want movies on it now, got the PS3 downstairs on the 61" ;)
(04-01-2011, 02:08 PM)Scalise Wrote: [ -> ]Only want movies on it now, got the PS3 downstairs on the 61" ;)

Good stuff. ;)
(04-01-2011, 12:34 PM)Infinity Wrote: [ -> ]I'm just going to call you privileged lol. White, and black versions of the same shoe?

That;s a good way of putting it. Roflmao

(04-01-2011, 01:41 PM)Scalise Wrote: [ -> ]Uh, it's kinda messy. And excuse my webcam quality, I was trying to hold my laptop and film at the same time. Big Grin

Very messy, tut tut. I'm OCD if you can't tell by the video. Everything has to be perfect. I make my bed every morning and dust every other night. Whistle
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