03-31-2011, 11:49 PM
I did, Me and my boyfriend live on a small acreage and I had been hounding him to let me get a dog for 2 years. One night he came home from work really late, around midnight, he came through the door holding a 9 week old german shepherd puppy. I was so happy and we took her everywhere with us. We loved her so very much. One night 2 days before my birthday I was downstairs doing laundry. When I came back up stairs after about 30 minutes, the front door was wide open and Halley (hay-lee) was gone. I ran to the neighbors house wich is about 1/4 mile away and asked if they saw her, nope. After a frantic search in freezing cold temps in the dark and knocking on everyones door in our immediate area, we called it quits for the night. I called HomeAgain so they could issue an alert before I layed down(not like we could sleep). We did everything to find her, we made posters, went door to door, did an automated phone service called LostMyDoggie.com, Hired a "Pet Tracking" team, Even called a Phsycic(I don't recommend that).The local news station did a story on our efforts,We did everything we could think of to try to find her & spent thousand of dollars,Nothing, everyone kept saying "someone took her". Maybe so, Feb,11,2011 was the 1yr anniversary of her dissapearance. We have not given up all we can do now is pray. We have since, gotten another german shepherd. Her name is Daisy Doodle Bug. My boyfriend wanted to get her because I think it helped him cope with the loss of Halley. We Love Halley & Daisy, they are our children.