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Full Version: No Keyboard
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Buy a new keyboard but use the on screen keyboard until then.

I'm not sure if XP has a on-screen keyboard.
I know on Windows 7 the on screen keyboard is located by:

1) {Windows Logo} + R - (To bring up the Run command)
2) Type in "osk.exe"
3) Hit enter

osk.exe is located in %SystemRoot%\System32 so you don't need a filepath. Typing with an on screen keyboard would be too slow for me though.
Sounds like you need to reset your BIOS then.
Remove the CMOS battery or use the motherboard jumpers.
Most likely a lose cord from keyboard to computer, or a faulty port. I spent hours trying to fix my parents keyboard port on their old computer, ended up having to buy a wireless USB keyboard instead.
It may be either due to your mouse and keyboard both are not working.Install new keyboard and mouse or you may take some windows thing can also be happen your keyboard and mouse port may be damage due to which they are not working.
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