Hello SupportForums I'm Bedgie i'm a L33T Off Hackforums I thought too Join SupportForums Because It's a forum owned by Omniscient,
My Goal is too get 100 Posts for the HF Award and too get too know More People. On Different Forums!
Thanks for Reading
- Bedgie!
(03-28-2011, 02:45 AM)Bedgie Wrote: [ -> ]Hello SupportForums I'm Bedgie i'm a L33T Off Hackforums I thought too Join SupportForums Because It's a forum owned by Omniscient,
My Goal is too get 100 Posts for the HF Award and too get too know More People. On Different Forums!
Thanks for Reading
- Bedgie!
1) People from SF do not care about whether or not you came from HF, since 90% of the community is from the same place.
2) You will not get the award if you spam low quality posts here like the majority of HF users try to do. The award is hardly given out to the members that come here mainly for the award.
Welcome to supportforums either way
Just make sure that you read the rules, as there's limitations
Thanks and I was Just saying Anyway, Thank you for the Greet! (:
Hey, welcome to SF and enjoy your stay here while trying to reach 100 posts.
Just remember, make sure most of those posts are HQ.
Welcome, Bedgie. Have a good time here while earning your 100 posts.