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Full Version: Review please?
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Disregard the domain. Just tell me how it can look better, attract more customers, and get the information to the visitors better. Also tell me your first impression. I am aware two of the Portfolio links are down.

Thank you!
Website under review by 000webhost.
You are seeing this page because
the system administrator of is currently
checking this website for
malicious content. This redirect
page will be removed once we
finish manually checking all files
on this account. Since we check
over 100 websites per day, it can
take about 2-4 hours to

Try is working for me. Also, I am aware two of the Portfolio links are down.
Don't use 000webhost, if you put malcicious stuff on their, for that reason exact, it is under review of an admin. Use FTP to delete everything.
(03-27-2011, 09:01 AM)Nick Wrote: [ -> ]Don't use 000webhost, if you put malcicious stuff on their, for that reason exact, it is under review of an admin. Use FTP to delete everything.

This isn't the real website. I am just testing it out on there, and by no means is there any malicious content.
Hmm, if their is no malicious content then any ideas why it is under administative review? I'm not being sarcasstic or anything, I was just wondering.
I have no clue tbh.
Hmm, well what was on the site?
My website. Just wait until it's up I guess.
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